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Making the case for Hands Free Disinfection

Writer's picture: Helene PaxtonHelene Paxton

Making the Case for a Hands Free, Fogging Disinfectant

The choice of a disinfectant system is a tough one. The facility for which a choice is

being made is likely to be diverse in its requirements. So the selection has to be

adaptable to various configurations of patient care settings, has to be compatible with other disinfectants already in place, easy to use and non- toxic to the environment and to the staff. Recently, a variety of hands free systems became available on the market

place. These devices include ultraviolet systems known as UV-C, highly

concentrated peroxide fogging units, and peroxide mixed with peracetic acid or silver ions.

Other systems take liquid wipe disinfectants and disperse them through the use of

foggers and sprayers. Creating difficulty for the end-user is determining the EPA status of the disinfectant system and their status as a cleared hospital disinfectant as well as

their sporicidal status. Disinfectants cleared as liquid wipe agents are not EPA cleared

to be dispersed through foggers or sprayers. UV-C systems as a group are not cleared by the EPA. Spray and wipe systems if used properly can be effective but do not

assure complete removal of offending MDRO organisms in an Operating Room or patient room, since crevices and corners are often left untouched. UV-C systems are dependent on positioning of unit, whether the wave length is correct, pulsing or direct, and whether distance and line of sight are appropriately maintained. The UV-C units are quite varied and most are quite costly in the $ 80-120,000 plus range. Since the units are not cleared by the EPA, efficacy studies are largely left to manufacturers or to the end-user. Few studies reflect controlled trials. The high level peroxide systems are effective but take up to two hours per room for disinfection and require extensive room preparation. The chemicals are toxic and must be carefully monitored. They also cause oxidation of metals. Their costs are similar to UV-C units. Lower concentration peroxide units are often mixed with other agents for increasing efficacy. These units leave a smell or leave silver ions in the environment. The rooms also need to be sealed before use. Costs are about one third of high concentration peroxide robots and UV-C systems.

TOMI Environmental Services, Inc. (Frederick, MD) offers a unique approach for a hands free system with the SteraMistTM system. A solution of 7.8% peroxide is converted to active OH radicals using a cold plasma arc. This process is known as Binary Ionization Technology (BIT)TM. These radicals kill on contact and take 7 minutes with the hand held Surface unit and 20 minutes with the Environmental unit to kill and disperse. EPA cleared as a hospital grade disinfectant, the process is microbicidal for all major pathogens such as MRSA/SA, Pseudomonas, H1N1, Norovirus, Salmonella, and C. difficile. There is minimum need for protective PPE; the solution leaves no residue and leaves a clean smell. It also kills many species of mold. All equipment and other items can be left in the rooms while disinfecting and does not damage sensitive electronic equipment, plastics or fabrics. The system kills on contact and lowers the endemic load of pathogens where ever used reducing the chance of MDRO transmission and resulting HAI’s.

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Dr. Helene Paxton

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